Friday, 30 September 2011

Jour 3

Mayor’s Mega-Minute Reading Challenge

The Reading Challenge starts on October 1st until October 31st. A note was sent home today about the contest. We will be participating in our classroom and I encourage all students to keep track of their reading at home.

Don't forget to hand in your 2-4-1 pizza form! All orders need to be in by October 5th.

-Math 6 and 7 : Module test on Monday
-Language Works: complete pages 27-30 for Monday

Go Riders!

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Jour 2

Guest Arts Ed. Teacher
Ms. Engele led us in different drama activities this morning. She will be back next week to start drum circles with us.

Terry Fox Walk

We had a beautiful afternoon for our Terry Fox walk. We walked with our Reading Buddies in Mme Stirling’s class. Before the walk we watched a documentary on Terry Fox directed by Steve Nash. The DVD was sent to us directly from TSN!

-Arts Ed.: Bring a 15” x 20” (approx.) piece of sturdy cardboard by tomorrow
-Mayor for a Day: final copy due tomorrow!
-Math 6: Module revision due tomorrow
-Math 7: Module revision due tomorrow

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Jour 1

Guest Arts Ed. Teacher
Ms. Engele led us in an awesome storytelling lesson this morning. She will be back tomorrow to work with the students!

We completed a science experiment today in class to see if two solutions can make a mechanical mixture! Ask your son or daughter about the results!

Terry Fox Run/Walk 2011

The Terry Fox Walk will be tomorrow at 1pm.

-Arts Ed.: Bring a 15” x 20” (approx.) piece of sturdy cardboard by Friday
-Mayor for a Day: final copy due Friday!
-Math 6: Module revision due Friday
-Math 7: Module revision due Friday
-Research skills avec Mme Bailey: assignment due Friday

Thank you to Noah F.’s parents, Shaun & Darcie, for bringing cupcakes to our class for Noah’s birthday! They were delicious!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Jour 5

Guest Arts Ed. Teacher
We are having a special guest teacher, Ms. Engele, who will be teaching our class Drama tomorrow and Thursday! We will be starting with storytelling.

Terry Fox Run/Walk 2011

The last day to bring toonies or pennies is tomorrow!

-Arts Ed.: Bring a 15” x 20” (approx.) piece of sturdy cardboard by Friday
-Mayor for a Day: final copy due Friday!

Monday, 26 September 2011

Jour 4

Outdoor Ed.

We had a visit today from Fred (from Outdoor Ed.), who will be leading our compassing trip on October 25th. Students practiced using a compass and pacing out their steps.

Link to the Finding Your Way site:

Guest Arts Ed. Teacher
We are having a special guest teacher, Ms. Engele, who will be starting an Arts Ed. unit on drum circles next week. We will be learning about drum circles in different countries and each student will be making his or her own drum using terra-cotta pots. I have purchased the supplies and I will send a note home later this week regarding the cost per student which will be minimal.

The same teacher will be leading storytelling in Drama this week!

Terry Fox Run/Walk 2011

The school has started fundraising for Terry Fox Run/Walk 2011 called Toonies for Terry. Students and staff are encouraged to bring a Toonie for Terry from September 19th-September 28th. There will also be a penny drive to see which class can fill a jar with the most pennies. All donations are voluntary. The walk will take place September 29th at 1:00. *The senior grades are having a friendly competition to see which class can bring in the most pennies!

-Math Grade 6: Word problems
-Math Grade 7: Section 1.6, 1.7
-Arts Ed.: Bring a 15” x 20” (approx.) piece of sturdy cardboard by Friday