Procedures, Expectations, and Learning Contract

Room 19 Procedures and Expectations
Quieting the Class
Mme Sweeney will clap five times.
Students will :
1.  Clap back
2. Freeze
3. Face the teacher and look
4. Wait for instruction 

Entering the Class in the Morning
At 8:53, students will have 7 minutes to:
1. Hang coats and bags in lockers provided.
2. Hand in any due assignments and open Communication Binder to agenda to check for any messages or notes to hand in. 
3. Put any notes and/or money in the appropriate bin and check name off list.
4. Check daily timetable and morning message and prepare for the first lesson.
***Students are expected to be ready to learn at 9:00 a.m.***

Ending the Day
At 3:30, students will have seven minutes to:
1. Complete his/her agenda and show Mme Sweeney.
2. Complete his/her end-of-day responsibilities.
3. Pack homework and agenda into bag, get jacket, and wait quietly to be dismissed at 3:37.

Lining up/Walking in Halls
1. When instructed, students will put all materials away and sit quietly to be called on to line up or be dismissed.
2. Mme Sweeney will escort students to gym, library, or other destination.
3. Students are quiet in the halls at all times demonstrating respect for other working classrooms.
How to Share in Class
1. Students will raise their hands and wait to be called upon to share. 

Pencil Sharpening
1. Students will use individual pencil sharpeners or will wait until an appropriate time to sharpen their pencil as to not interrupt the speaker.  

Using the Washroom and Water Fountain
1. Students are expected to use the washroom and water fountain during recess and lunch.
2. If necessary, students may use the washroom but must first ask the teacher at an appropriate time (not during instruction time, unless it’s an emergency). 
3. Students will write their name on the “in/out” whiteboard.
4. Only one male and one female student may leave the class at a time.

Phys. Ed.
***Each student must wear clean indoor “running” shoes and clothes that don’t limit his/her movement***
1. Unfortunately, we have limited time in the gym.  Students will have 5 minutes to prepare for phys. ed. and to meet the rest of the class to being the dynamic warm-up. 

1. Students are to eat at desks or at tables as per discretion of lunchroom supervisor.
2. Students are required to treat each other with respect, maintain an appropriate noise level, and interact appropriately with lunchroom supervisors.
3. All lunch materials must be put away and room must be clean before students are dismissed.

 1. All assignments MUST include student’s name and the date in the top right hand corner unless otherwise indicated.

2. In order to keep parents informed of assignments and what is happening at school, they are asked to sign their child’s agenda daily. 

3. Incomplete Work:

• If a student continuously hands in late assignments, the student will meet with the teacher, parents will be informed, and marks may be deducted from assignments accordingly.
• All assignments must be completed on or by due date indicated. Students will use class time to do so.  If this is not possible, arrangements should be made ahead of time to complete work at school outside regular instruction time (recess or after school) with teacher assistance or at home.

• Students are responsible for catching up on work and assignments missed when absent by first checking the class blog and asking a friend.  Students may then ask for clarification with Mme Sweeney if needed.

*Homework can also be e-mailed Mme Sweeney at

Free Time
1. If students finish an assignment, they should first work on any unfinished assignments that are due; when they finish those, they may choose to do a classroom job, read a book, write a story, write a letter, write a list, illustrate a picture, make up math problems, practice math flashcards, practice spelling words, work on a research project, peer-tutor someone who needs their help, or clean their desk or organize their binders.  Disturbing others who are still working is not an option!

Desk Organization
1. Students will have a Communication Binder which will hold all Language Arts and Math.  All other subject areas will be held in duo-tangs.  The Communication Binder will also hold the student’s agenda and any notes being sent home from that day.   Students are expected to take the Communication Binder and their agenda home every day!

2. Students will place completed/marked work in their Portfolio Binder.  This work may be viewed by parents at conferences as well as by the teacher and students throughout the year.

Please see B.Y.O.D. rules and license.

Room 19 Learning Contract
Classroom Rules
1. Respect others; treat others, as you want to be treated.
2. Be responsible for our classroom.
3. Be positive and helpful.
4. Do what is asked, the first time.
5. Ask permission first.

We use a daily behaviour chart to track our choices.  Students have the opportunity to move up or down the chart, depending on their choices.  Students start fresh each day at “Ready to Learn”. 

If You Choose To Break a Rule
-The first time: a warning “Stop & Think”
-The second time : lose 5 minutes of recess or another activity
-The third time: lose a privilege
 -The fourth and subsequent times: parent contact 

Possible Rewards
-Positive notes home in your agenda or positive phone calls/emails home
-Special privileges (extra recess, free time, music, etc.)
-Add to the Circle of Courage

*Circle of Courage:  When the class, a group of students, or an individual does something great (such as following the rules and routines very well, excellent effort or results in lessons or on assignments, demonstrating school spirit, or acts of kindness) they will be asked to put a sticker on the Circle of Courage.  If we get ten stickers in a week, the class earns “choice time” on Friday.  Once we completely cover the circle, the class earns a movie party or another fun activity!

STUDENT: I have read this learning contract and Room 19’s Procedures and Expectations and understand them both.  I will honour them while in Room 19. 

Signature: _____________________________

PARENT(S) OR GUARDIAN(S): My child has discussed this learning contract and Room 19’s Procedures and Expectations with me.  I understand both and will support them. 

Signature: ______________________________                            Signature: ________________________________

TEACHER: I will be fair and consistent in administering the praise and consequences of this learning plan.
Signature: ____________________________