Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Jour 1

In the new year we will be working a lot with french verbs.  It would be very helpful if your child had a Bescherelle as it is a very important tool for french students.  I have had my Bescherelle since grade 4!  You can purchase a book at Chapters, at the U of R bookstore, and I believe at Walmart. 
There are a few copies at the library that I can bring to our class, although they are shared by several classes. 


-T.U.S.C.-- Group 1: new jobs after break
-T.U.S.C.-- Group 2: new jobs after break
-Math 6: page 34 of booklet, #1-4 due Thursday
-Math procedures practice (grade 6 and 7, due Wednesday)

-Friday, December 21st: Last day of classes and early dismissal at 2:30!!!
-December 22: January 6th inclusive: Winter holidays!!!  :)  

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