Jour 2
You can now find the link to École Massey's updated calendar under : Links for Parents & Students on the right hand side of my blog's Homepage! Check it often for what's happening within our school!
You can now find the link to École Massey's updated calendar under : Links for Parents & Students on the right hand side of my blog's Homepage! Check it often for what's happening within our school!
-Math 7: page 61-63 due Tuesday
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 1:
-- Group 2: November 19th
-Science Podcast scripts due Friday, November 16th (extension)
-Starting recording November 19th
-Starting recording November 19th
-Grade 6 curling : Tomorrow from
2:00-3:00 (bring clean shoes, stretchy pants, warm hat, gloves)
-No school for students Nov. 9 & 12
-No school for students Nov. 9 & 12
-November 30th: Report cards
-Thursday, December 6th: 3-Way Conferences
-Thursday, December 6th: 3-Way Conferences
-November 30th: Campbell High school Musical and $2
Notes sent home:
Notes sent home:
-Campbell High school Musical permission form
-Head lice notice
-Principal's message
-Head lice notice
-Principal's message
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