Thursday, 29 May 2014

Jour 3

Our track and field meet is tomorrow!  Students should pack a healthy lunch with a lot of snacks, a water bottle, phys. ed. clothes (with a few layers), running shoes, socks, a hat, sunscreen, and bug spray.

-Dance due next week for Mme Dean
-W.O.R.T. application due June 6th (for Grade 6 students who are interested) 

Notes sent home:
-Transportation letter for those who take the bus.  Must be returned to school by TOMORROW, even if there are no changes to be made

-Yearbook order form
-Permission package and payments due June 6th (for Outdoor Ed. trip, Massey pool, DQ, and IPSCO/EVRAZ park)
-Clara Hughes fundraiser info

Upcoming dates / Reminders:  
-TOMORROW: Massey Track and Field Day (all day)
-June 6th: Douglas Park Track & Field     

Picasa link to class photos: Updated with pictures from Heritage Days!

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Jour 1

-Grade 6 Math: lesson 7.7 (photocopy) due tomorrow
-Grade 5: Math tests signed and returned
-Dance due next week for Mme Dean

Notes sent home:
-Transportation letter for those who take the bus.  Must be returned to school by the 29th, even if there are no changes to be made

-Yearbook order form

Upcoming dates / Reminders:  
-Friday, May 30th: Massey Track and Field Day (all day)
-June 6th: Douglas Park Track & Field     

Picasa link to class photos: Updated with pictures from Heritage Days!

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Jour 3


-Grade 6 Math:
-Grade 5: Math tests signed and returned

Notes sent home:
-School Board 2014-2015 school year calendar

Upcoming dates / Reminders:   

 -Tomorrow: Grade 6 Band School Tours
-Friday, May 30th: Massey Track and Field Day (all day)
-June 6th: Douglas Park Track & Field

Picasa link to class photos: Updated with pictures from our Photo Booth!

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Jour 2

Our class has filled up the marble jar again!  We are having our class party tomorrow from 10:30-2:15!  Students are allowed to wear their pyjamas to school, dress up in a costume, and/or wear a hat.  We will be walking to MAC's at 10:30 and then we will be watching a movie in class.  Students may bring a small amount of money to buy a treat at MAC's . I recommend sending no more than $5.    We will then go outside to enjoy the nice weather until 2:15 recess.  Students are encouraged to bring their favourite (school appropriate) movie to watch tomorrow.  We will vote on which movie to watch tomorrow.


-Grade 6 Math: Lesson 7.5 due tomorrow
-Grade 5: Math tests signed and returned

Notes sent home:
-School Board 2014-2015 school year calendar

Upcoming dates / Reminders:   

-Tomorrow: class party!!!
-Friday, May 23rd: Grade 6 Band School Tours
-Friday, May 30th: Massey Track and Field Day (all day)
-June 6th: Douglas Park Track & Field

Picasa link to class photos: Updated with pictures from our Photo Booth!

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Jour 1


-Grade 6 Math: Lesson 7.5
-Bring lid for mixing paint (P.A.A. kites)

Notes sent home:

Upcoming dates / Reminders:  

-May 23rd: Grade 6 Band School Tours
-May 30th: Massey Track and Field Day (all day)

-June 6th: Douglas Park Track & Field

Picasa link to class photos: Updated with pictures from our Photo Booth!

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Jour 5


 -Gr. 5 Procedural text: due today (needs to be published on Kidblog by tonight!!!)
-Gr. 6 Careers research: due Tuesday, May 20th (NEW DATE)
-Poetry quiz: Tuesday (metaphor, similie, hyperbole, personification, onomatopoeia)

Notes sent home:

Upcoming dates / Reminders:             
-May 15th: Senior Dance tonight
-May 16-19: PD Day and Victoria Day - no school for students
-May 23rd: Grade 6 Band School Tours
-May 30th: Massey Track and Field Day (all day)

-June 6th: Douglas Park Track & Field

Picasa link to class photos: Updated with pictures from our Photo Booth!

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Jour 4


 -Gr. 5 Procedural text: due tomorrow (needs to be published on Kidblog)
-Gr. 6 Careers research: due May 20th (NEW DATE)
-Poetry quiz: Tuesday

Notes sent home:

Upcoming dates / Reminders:             
-May 15th: Senior Dance
-May 16-19: PD Day and Victoria Day - no school for students
-May 23rd: Grade 6 Band School Tours
-May 30th: Massey Track and Field Day (all day)

-June 6th: Douglas Park Track & Field

Picasa link to class photos: Updated with pictures from our Photo Booth!

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Jour 4


-Sc. humaines project: due May 9th
 -Grade 5 Science (the human body): class presentations May 14th (NEW DATE) 
-Gr. 5 Procedural text: due May 15th
-Gr. 6 Careers research: due May 15th

Notes sent home:
-Gr. 6: Massey 80's Dance note

Upcoming dates / Reminders:             

-May 8th and 9th: Mme Sweeney away for a teaching conference in Saskatoon
-May 15th: Senior Dance

-May 16-19: PD Day and Victoria Day - no school for students

Picasa link to class photos: Updated with pictures from our Photo Booth!

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Jour 3


 -Grade 5 Math: lesson 7.2 due Thursday   

-Grade 6 Math: lesson 2 due Thursday
-Grade 5 Science (the human body): class presentations May 14th (NEW DATE)

-Sc. humaines project: due May 9th
-Gr. 5 Procedural text: due May 15th
-Gr. 6 Careers research: due May 15th

Notes sent home:
Upcoming dates / Reminders:             

May 8th and 9th: Mme Sweeney away for a teaching conference in Saskatoon

Picasa link to class photos: Updated with pictures from our Photo Booth!

Monday, 5 May 2014

Jour 2


 -Grade 5 Math: finish lesson 12 
-Grade 6 Math: create survey and ask min. 15 people (due tomorrow)
-Grade 5 Science (the human body): class presentations May 14th (NEW DATE)

-Sc. humaines project: due May 9th
-Gr. 5 Procedural text: due May 15th
-Gr. 6 Careers research: due May 15th

Notes sent home:
Upcoming dates / Reminders:             
May 8th and 9th: Mme Sweeney away for a teaching conference in Saskatoon

Picasa link to class photos: Updated with pictures from our Photo Booth!

Friday, 2 May 2014

Jour 1


 -Grade 5 Math: finish lesson 12 

-Grade 6 Math: create survey and ask min. 15 people
-Grade 5 Science (the human body): class presentations May 14th (NEW DATE)

Notes sent home:
Upcoming dates / Reminders:             
May 8th and 9th: Mme Sweeney away for a teaching conference in Saskatoon

Picasa link to class photos: Updated with pictures from our Photo Booth!

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Jour 5
Message from Mme LeBlanc - If you are moving for the 2014/215 school year, please let the office know as soon as you can.   Please bring Kleenex if you did not do so at the start of the year!  Our runny noses are in desperate need!  Thank you!

 -Grade 5 Math: lesson 11 and 12 due tomorrow (Friday)  
-Grade 6 Math: test signed and returned tomorrow (Friday)
-Grade 5 Science (the human body): class presentations May 8th

Notes sent home:
Upcoming dates / Reminders:             
May 8th and 9th: Mme Sweeney away for a teaching conference in Saskatoon

Picasa link to class photos: Updated with pictures from our Photo Booth!