Our track and field meet is tomorrow! Students should pack a healthy lunch with a lot of snacks, a water bottle, phys. ed. clothes (with a few layers), running shoes, socks, a hat, sunscreen, and bug spray.
-Dance due next week for Mme Dean
-W.O.R.T. application due June 6th (for Grade 6 students who are interested)
Notes sent home:
-Transportation letter for those who take the bus. Must be returned to school by TOMORROW, even if there are no changes to be made
-Yearbook order form
-Permission package and payments due June 6th (for Outdoor Ed. trip, Massey pool, DQ, and IPSCO/EVRAZ park)
-Clara Hughes fundraiser info
Upcoming dates / Reminders:
-TOMORROW: Massey Track and Field Day (all day)
-June 6th: Douglas Park Track & Field
Picasa link to class photos: Updated with pictures from Heritage Days!