Wednesday, 26 June 2013

I would like to thank everyone in room 25 for a great year!   I hope that everyone enjoys a safe and relaxing summer!  See most of you back at Massey again in the fall!  For those of you who are leaving, good luck next year and I hope that you come back to visit your Massey family.

Bonnes vacances!!!

If you want to visit me this summer, you can find me at the Regina Rowing Club! 

Monday, 24 June 2013

Jour 1

 Upcoming dates:

-IPSCO Park & Pool: Tuesday, June 25 - bring a lunch, a hat, a water bottle, a towel, a bathing suit, and sunscreen
-Wednesday: Walk to Mac's (students should bring their own money if they want to buy something), last day of school, 2:30 early dismissal, & report cards

Friday, 21 June 2013

Jour 5

-Students should start returning all library books!

 Upcoming dates and notes sent home:  

-IPSCO Park & Pool: Tuesday, June 25 - bring a lunch, a hat, a water bottle, a towel, a bathing suit, sunscreen
-Walk to Mac's: Wednesday (if students fill up water)
-Wednesday: Last day of school and 2:30 early dismissal

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Jour 4

Because of the weather, we did not walk to DQ today.  Instead, Mme Sweeney drove with a few students and picked up Dilly Bars and ice cream sandwiches - Mme's treat!  Students can save their DQ money for Mac's on Wednesday.

-Students should start returning all library books!

 Upcoming dates and notes sent home:  

-IPSCO Park & Pool: Tuesday, June 25 - bring a lunch, a hat, a water bottle, a towel, a bathing suit, sunscreen
-Walk to Mac's: Wednesday (if students fill up water)

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Jour 3 Assignments: -Students should start returning all library books!

 Upcoming dates and notes sent home: 

-DQ Walk with Reading Buddies: TOMORROW - students bring their own money for this if they want to purchase something

-IPSCO Park & Pool: Tuesday, June 25 - bring a lunch, a hat, a water bottle, a towel, a bathing suit, sunscreen
-Walk to Mac's: Probably last day (if students fill up our marble jar)

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Jour 2
Assignments: -Students should start returning all library books!

 Upcoming dates and notes sent home: 

-Lumsden Beach Camp: TOMORROW - bring a good lunch, a hat, a water bottle, a towel, a bathing suit, good walking/hiking shoes, and sunscreen
-DQ Walk with Reading Buddies: Thursday, June 20th - students bring their own money for this if they want to purchase something

-IPSCO Park & Pool: Tuesday, June 25 - bring a lunch, a hat, a water bottle, a towel, a bathing suit, sunscreen
-Walk to Mac's: Probably last day (if students fill up our marble jar)

Monday, 17 June 2013

Jour 1
Assignments: -Students should start returning all library books!

 Upcoming dates and notes sent home: 

-Lumsden Beach Camp: Wednesday, June 19th
-DQ Walk with Reading Buddies: Thursday, June 20th

-IPSCO Park & Pool: Tuesday, June 25
-Walk to Mac's: Probably last day (if students fill up our marble jar)

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Jour 5
Congratulations to all of the participants at the Douglas Park track meet (which is supposedly the largest meet in the city)!  Massey handily won first place overall with a total of 168 points!  The next closest school had 140 points.  Amazing job to all of our athletes.  Thanks again to the parents who came out to help and cheer on our runners, throwers, and jumpers!  

-Students should start returning all library books!

 Upcoming dates and notes sent home: 

-PD Day/No school: TOMORROW!

-Swimming at Massey Pool: Monday, June 17th
-Lumsden Beach Camp: Wednesday, June 19th
-DQ Walk with Reading Buddies: Thursday, June 20th

-IPSCO Park & Pool: Tuesday, June 25
-Walk to Mac's: Probably last day (if students fill up our marble jar)

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Jour 3
-T.U.S.C.: All presentations to be completed on Thursday
-Grade 6 Math: 7.6 for Thursday
-English grammar test: Thursday
-Students should start returning all library books!

 Upcoming dates and notes sent home: 

-Douglas Park Track Meet for selected students: TOMORROW!

-Swimming at Massey Pool: Monday, June 17th ($1 admission)
-Lumsden Beach Camp: Wednesday, June 19th (permission sent home last week, 8.50)
-DQ Walk with Reading Buddies: Thursday, June 20th

-IPSCO Park & Pool: June 25 (permission sent home last week, $2)

-Walk to Mac's: Probably last day (if students fill up our marble jar)

Please have all waivers and money in by June 12th at the very latest!
Thank you! 

This coming week is Spirit Week. 
Wednesday: Stuffed Animal Day
Thursday: Hat and Crazy Hair Day

Friday, 7 June 2013

Jour 1
-T.U.S.C. - Group A: June 10th
 -T.U.S.C.-- Group B:June 11th
-Grade 7 Math: Finish booklet up to 8.6 and review for Tuesday
-Grade 6 Math: 7.4 for Tuesday
-Graphic Novel: due June 11 (one more work period in class)
-Art project for Mme Dean: due June 10

 Upcoming dates and notes sent home: 

-Douglas Park Track Meet for selected students: June 12th ($1.50 for bus)

-Swimming at Massey Pool: June 17th ($1 admission)
-Lumsden Beach Camp: June 19th (permission sent home last week, 8.50)
-DQ Walk with Reading Buddies: June 20th

-IPSCO Park & Pool: June 25 (permission sent home last week, $2)

-Walk to Mac's: Probably last day (if students fill up our marble jar)

Please have all waivers and money in by June 12th at the very latest!
Thank you! 

This coming week is Spirit Week. 
Monday: Tye Dye
Tuesday: Skittle Day (Wear Orange)
Wednesday: Stuffed Animal Day
Thursday: Hat and Crazy Hair Day

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Jour 5

-T.U.S.C. - Group A: June 10th
 -T.U.S.C.-- Group B:June 11th
-Grade 7 Math: 8.3 and start 8.4
-Grade 6 Math: 7.3 and test signed (overdue!)
-Graphic Novel: due June 11
-Art project for Mme Dean: due June 10

 Upcoming dates and notes sent home:

-Douglas Park Track Meet for selected students: June 12th ($1.50 for bus)

-Swimming at Massey Pool: June 17th ($1 admission)
-Lumsden Beach Camp: June 19th (permission sent home last week, 8.50)
-DQ Walk with Reading Buddies: June 20th

-IPSCO Park & Pool: June 25 (permission sent home last week, $2)

-Walk to Mac's: Probably last day (if students fill up our marble jar)

Please have all waivers and money in by June 12th!
Thank you! 

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Jour 4

-T.U.S.C. - Group A: June 10th

 -T.U.S.C.-- Group B:June 11th
-Grade 7 Math: 8.3 et commence 8.3
-Grade 6 Math: 7.2 and test signed (overdue)
-Graphic Novel: due June 11
-Art project for Mme Dean: due June 10

-Bring phys. ed. clothes for tomorrow

 Upcoming dates and notes sent home:

-Grade 7 canoeing: TOMORROW
-Douglas Park Track Meet for selected students: June 12th ($1.50 for bus)

-Swimming at Massey Pool: June 17th ($1 admission)
-Lumsden Beach Camp: June 19th (permission sent home last week, 8.50)
-DQ Walk with Reading Buddies: June 20th

-IPSCO Park & Pool: June 25 (permission sent home last week, $2)

-Walk to Mac's: Probably last day (if students fill up our marble jar)

Please have all waivers and money in by June 12th!
Thank you! 

Monday, 3 June 2013

Jour 2

-T.U.S.C. - Group B:
 -T.U.S.C.-- Group A:-E.L.A. : Bring cameras this week for graphic novel
-Grade 7 Math: 8.2
-Grade 6 Math: test signed for tomorrow
-Graphic Novel: due June 11
-Art project for Mme Dean: due June 10

 Upcoming dates:

-Grade 7 canoeing: June 6th
-Douglas Park Track Meet for selected students: June 12th
-Lumsden Beach Camp: June 19th (permission sent home)

-IPSCO Park: June 25 (permission sent home)