Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Jour 5
-Grade 6: math test & rubric signed by parents (due TOMORROW)!
-Math 7: finish 3.4
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 1:
                  -- Group 2: TOMORROW
-Novel Study Mapping assignment: due November 8th
-Identity Art Project: due November 13th
-Science project: due November 16th
-Health: Rough copy due next class

-Grade 7 Organic School Project at Science Centre Friday, November 2nd
-Grade 6 curling : November 7 and 14th from 2:00-3:00 (bring clean shoes, stretchy pants, warm hat, gloves)
-Photo retakes November 5th

Notes sent home:
-Skating permission (dates are November 29th, January 14th, February 13th)

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Jour 3
-Social studies rubric due tomorrow (signed by parents)!
-Math 7: finish 3.3
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 1:
                  -- Group 2: November 1
-Novel Study Mapping assignment: due November 8th
-Identity Art Project: due November 13th
-Science project: due November 16th
-Health: Rough copy due next class

-Grade 6 curling TOMORROW, November 7 and14th from 2:00-3:00 (bring clean shoes, stretchy pants, warm hat, gloves). 
-Orange & Black day tomorrow (no costumes)
-Photo retakes November 5th
-Grade 7 Organic School Project at Science Centre November 2nd

Notes sent home:
-Skating permission (November 29th, January 14th, February 13th)

Monday, 29 October 2012

Jour 2

-Math 7: page 95 #11
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 1:
                  -- Group 2: November 1
-Novel Study Mapping assignment: due November 6th
-Social studies journal due the next class (for Mme Bailey)
-Identity Art Project: due November 13th
-Science project: due November 16th
-Health: Rough copy due next class

-Photo retakes November 5th
-Grade 6 curling October 31st, November 7 and14th from 2:00-3:00 (bring clean shoes, stretchy pants, warm hat, gloves). 
-Grade 7 Organic School Project at Science Centre November 2nd

Notes sent home:
-Skating permission (November 29th, January 14th, February 13th)

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Jour 1

-Math 7:
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 1: Monday, October 29th (*Extension)
                  -- Group 2: November 1
-Novel Study Mapping assignment: due November 6th
-Social studies journal due the next class (for Mme Bailey)
-Identity Art Project: due November 13th
-Science project: due November 16th

-Photo retakes November 5th
-Grade 6 curling October 31st, November 7 and14th from 2:00-3:00 (bring clean shoes, stretchy pants, warm hat, gloves). 
-Massey Costume Ball October 29th (Parent volunteers needed by tomorrow!)
-Grade 7 Organic School Project at Science Centre November 2nd

Notes sent home:
-Grade 7 Organic School Project at Science Centre permission

Mme Sweeney will be away Thursday afternoon and Friday all day.  The blog will not be updated these days.  

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Jour 5

-Math 7: page 88 and word sheet
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 1: October 29th (*Extension)
                  -- Group 2: November 1
-Identity Art Project: due November 13th
-Science project: due November 16th
-Social studies journal due the next class (for Mme Bailey)

-School photo forms due TOMORROW
-Photo retakes November 5th
-Grade 6 curling October 31st, November 7 and14th from 2:00-3:00 (bring clean shoes, stretchy pants, warm hat, gloves). 
-Massey Costume Ball October 29th
-Grade 7 Organic School Project at Science Centre November 2nd

Notes sent home:
-Massey Costume Ball
-Grade 7 Organic School Project at Science Centre permission

Mme Sweeney will be away Thursday afternoon and Friday all day.  The blog will not be updated these days.  

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Jour 4

-Math 6: Module test tomorrow
-Math 7: page 51
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 1: October 29th (*Extension)
                  -- Group 2: November 1
-Identity Art Project: due November 13th

-Grade 6 curling TOMORROW and October 31st, November 7 and14th from 2:00-3:00 (bring clean shoes, stretchy pants, warm hat, gloves). 
-Massey Costume Ball October 29th
-Photo retakes November 5th
-Grade 7 Organic School Project at Science Centre November 2nd

Notes sent home:
-Massey Costume Ball
-Grade 7 Organic School Project at Science Centre permission
-Curling permission form

Mme Sweeney will be away Thursday afternoon and Friday all day.  The blog will not be updated these days.  

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Jour 1

-The Giver Part 5: due TOMORROW (October 19th) (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-Jon, Eric, Zayn -- Hatchet: due Friday, October 19th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 1: October 25th
                  -- Group 2: November 1
-Identity Art Project: due November 13th

-Grade 6 curling October 24th and 31st, November 7 and14th from 2:00-3:00 (bring clean shoes, stretchy pants, warm hat, gloves)
-Massey Costume Ball October 29th
-Photo retakes November 5th
-Grade 7 Organic School Project at Science Centre November 2nd

Notes sent home:
-Massey Costume Ball
-Grade 7 Organic School Project at Science Centre permission
-Curling permission form

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Jour 5

-Math 7: Finish the package (2.1-2.5)
-The Giver Part 5: due Friday, October 19th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-Jon, Eric, Zayn -- Hatchet: due Friday, October 19th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 2: TOMORROW (Oct. 18th)
-Identity Art Project: due November 13th

-Grade 6 curling October 24th and 31st, November 7 and14th from 2:00-3:00 (bring clean shoes, stretchy pants, warm hat, gloves)
-Massey Costume Ball October 29th
-Photo retakes November 5th
-Grade 7 Organic School Project at Science Centre November 2nd

Notes sent home:
-Massey Costume Ball
-Grade 7 Organic School Project at Science Centre permission
-Curling permission form

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Jour 4

-Math 7: Finish the package (2.1-2.5)
-The Giver Part 5: due October 19th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-Jon, Eric, Zayn -- Hatchet: due October 19th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 2: Oct. 18

-Grade 6 curling October 24th and 31st, November 7 and14th from 2:00-3:00 (bring clean shoes, stretchy pants, warm hat, gloves)
-Massey Costume Ball October 29th
-Photo retakes November 5th
-Grade 7 Organic School Project at Science Centre November 2nd

Notes sent home:
-Massey Costume Ball
-Grade 7 Organic School Project at Science Centre permission
-Curling permission form
-Milk form
-Food drive
-SCC fundraiser for Arcola school

Monday, 15 October 2012

Jour 3

We had great weather and an awesome time on our orienteering trip today!  Our class represented Massey very well!  Way to go!

-Math 6: 2.8 (due Tuesday)
-The Giver Part 3: due October 19th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-Jon, Eric, Zayn -- Hatchet: due October 19th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 2: Oct. 18

-Grade 6 curling October 24th and 31st

Notes sent home:
-Curling permission form
-Clothing order forms
-Milk form
-Food drive
-SCC fundraiser for Arcola school

Friday, 12 October 2012

Jour 1
-Math 6: 2.8 (due Monday)
-Math 7:
-The Giver Part 3: due October 19th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-Jon, Eric, Zayn -- Hatchet: due October 19th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 2: Oct. 18

-*****Outdoor Ed. trip to Crooked Valley Monday Oct. 15th  (Weather permitting)  BE PREPARED NO MATTER WHAT!

Notes sent home:
-Clothing order forms
-Milk form
-Food drive
-SCC fundraiser for Arcola school

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Jour 5

New to the Blog! 
Parents and students - you can now comment on all blog posts!  I will moderate the comments through email, therefore your post will not show up immediately.  If you have a quick question or comment feel free to post it on the Class blog or send me an email as usual! 
-Math 6:
-Math 7: test tomorrow
-The Giver Part 3: due October 12th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-Jon, Eric, Zayn -- Hatchet: due October 12th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 1: TOMORROW
                -- Group 2: Oct. 18

-Outdoor Ed. trip to Crooked Valley Monday Oct. 15th.  (Weather permitting)

Notes sent home:
-Outdoor Ed. Info. & Permission form (DUE TOMORROW)
-Clothing order forms
-Milk form
-Food drive
-SCC fundraiser for Arcola school

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Jour 4

I hope that everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving.  I am not at school today, so the assignments will not be posted for grade 7 Math or Social Studies. 

New to the Blog! 
Parents and students - you can now comment on all blog posts!  I will moderate the comments through email, therefore your post will not show up immediately.  If you have a quick question or comment feel free to post it on the Class blog or send me an email as usual! 
-Math 6: 2.7 due tomorrow
-Math 7: ?
-The Giver Part 3: due October 12th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-Jon, Eric, Zayn -- Hatchet: due October 12th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 1: Oct. 11
                -- Group 2: Oct. 18

-Outdoor Ed. trip to Crooked Valley Monday Oct. 15th.  (Weather permitting)

Notes sent home:
-Outdoor Ed. Info. & Permission form (DUE THURSDAY)
-Clothing order forms
-Milk form
-Food drive
-SCC fundraiser for Arcola school

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Jour 3

-Math 7: pages 20, 21
-The Giver Part 3: due October 12th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-Jon, Eric, Zayn -- Hatchet: due October 12th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-Health (Avram-McLean): Title page
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 1: Oct. 11
                -- Group 2: Oct. 18

-Outdoor Ed. trip to Crooked Valley Oct. 15th.

-No school for students Oct. 5th and Oct. 8th!
Notes sent home:
-Outdoor Ed. Info. & Permission form
-Magazine fundraiser
-Clothing order forms
-Milk form
-Food drive
-SCC fundraiser for Arcola school

Have a great Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Jour 2


-Math 6: 2.5 for Thursday
-Math 7: pages 36-37 for Thursday
-The Giver Part 3: due October 12th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-Jon, Eric, Zayn -- Hatchet: due October 12th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-Health (Avram-McLean): Title page
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 1: Oct. 11
                -- Group 2: Oct. 18
-Sc. nat.: Quiz tomorrow (extended)

Les règnes:

Quelles sont 2 différences entre les champignons et les animaux ou les plantes?

-School photos TOMORROW!!!
-Outdoor Ed. trip to Crooked Valley Oct. 15th. 
Notes sent home:
-Outdoor Ed. Info. & Permission form
-Magazine fundraiser
-Clothing order forms

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Jour 1


-Math 7: 2.5 for tomorrow
-Math 6: pages 36-37

-The Giver Part 3: due Tomorrow (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-Jon, Eric, Zayn -- Hatchet: due Thurs. Oct. 4th (See page on this blog or Kidblog)
-Health (Avram-McLean): Title page
-T.U.S.C. -- Group 2: Tomorrow
-Sc. nat.: Quiz tomorrow

Les règnes:

Quelles sont 2 différences entre les champignons et les animaux ou les plantes?

-School photos Thurs. Oct. 4th
-Outdoor Ed. trip to Crooked Valley Oct. 15th. 
-Terry Fox fundraising $$$
Notes sent home:
-Outdoor Ed. Info. & Permission form
-Magazine fundraiser
-Peer tutoring (Grade 6)
-Clothing order forms