Thursday, 28 June 2012

We had a great last day in Room 25.  Our day started out with some excitement when the power went out in the school!  We finished the day with a windy walk to Mac's for some treats and rewards for Districts 2 & 4.  I'd like to thank all of the students and parents who helped make our year a success.  Have a great summer and we'll see you at Massey in the Fall!
P.S. Students, feel free to post about your summer adventures on our Kidblog.  I'll check in periodically and I'd love to read about what you've been up to!
Here is the link:

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Jour 2

Important dates:
June 27th: Last day of school, report cards, and 2:30 dismissal!!!

Monday, 25 June 2012

Jour 1

Important dates:
June 26th: Sticks vs. Grant Road Grade 6/7 (PLEASE READ AND SIGN NOTE IN AGENDA)
June 26th: DQ with Reading Buddies
June 27th: Last day of school and 2:30 dismissal

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Jour 5

Important dates:
June 25th: In-class talent show (tentative)
June 26th: Sticks vs. Grant Road Grade 6/7
June 26th: DQ with Reading Buddies
June 27th: Last day of school and 2:30 dismissal

Monday, 18 June 2012

Jour 1

Notes sent home:
DQ permission
Swimming permission

Important dates:
June 19th: Swimming at 2:00
June 21st: IPSCO park
June 25th: In-class talent show
June 26th: DQ with Reading Buddies

Friday, 15 June 2012

Jour 5

Notes sent home:
DQ permission
Swimming permission

Important dates:
June 19th: Swimming at 2:00
June 21st: IPSCO park
June 26th: DQ with Reading Buddies

Thursday, 14 June 2012

our 4

Wanted: Grade 7 Students for the Regina Public Schools Wild Outdoor Research Team for 2012-2012. Grade 6 students should see Mme Sweeney for more details. Applications due June 15. See for more information.

Art Medium Assignment: due Friday
Health: Careers assignment due Friday

Notes sent home:
DQ permission
Swimming permission

Important dates:
June 15: Flying Creek trip (Weather permitting)
June 19th: Swimming at 2:00
June 21st: IPSCO park
June 26th: DQ with Reading Buddies

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Jour 3Wanted: Grade 7 Students for the Regina Public Schools Wild Outdoor Research Team for 2012-2012. Grade 6 students should see Mme Sweeney for more details. Applications due June 15. See for more information.

Math (Sweeney): Module 6.1 #5,6,7,8 for tomorrow
Math (Reed): 7 for tomorrow

Art Medium Assignment: due Friday

Health: Careers assignment due Friday

Important dates:
June 15: Flying Creek trip (Weather permitting)
June 19th: Swimming at 2:00
June 21st: IPSCO park
June 26th: DQ with Reading Buddies

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Jour 2
Wanted: Grade 7 Students for the Regina Public Schools Wild Outdoor Research Team for 2012-2012. Grade 6 students should see Mme Sweeney for more details. Applications due June 15. See for more information.

Math (Sweeney): Module 6 #3,4,5 for Wednesday
Math (Sherar): Trèfle

Art Medium Assignment: due June 15

Health: Careers assignment due Friday

Important dates:
June 15: Flying Creek trip (Weather permitting)
June 21st: IPSCO park

Monday, 11 June 2012

Jour 1

Wanted: Grade 7 Students for the Regina Public Schools Wild Outdoor Research Team for 2012-2012.  Grade 6 students should see Mme Sweeney for more details.  Applications due June 15.  See for more information.

Math (Sweeney): Module 6 #3,4,5 for Wednesday
Math (Sherar): Trèfle

Art Medium Assignment: due June 15

Health: Careers assignment due Friday

Important dates:
June 15: Rescheduled Flying Creek trip (Weather permitting)
June 21st: IPSCO park

Friday, 8 June 2012

Jour 5

Wanted: Grade 7 Students for the Regina Public Schools Wild Outdoor Research Team for 2012-2012.  Grade 6 students should see Mme Sweeney for more details.  Applications due June 15.  See for more information.

Math (Reed): test Monday
Math (Sweeney): Nothing
Math (Sherar): booklet

Research Skills project (with Mme Bailey):
Good copy: June 8 (1 day extension)

Science Project (Fakebook): see our Kidblog (under Mme Sweeney) for details
Fakebook Page: Monday

Art Medium Assignment: due June 15

Important dates:
June 15: Rescheduled Flying Creek trip (Weather permitting)
June 21st: IPSCO park

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Jour 3

École Massey had a great showing at the Track & Field meet today at Douglas Park.  Congratulations to all of the participants!

Wanted: Grade 7 Students for the Regina Public Schools Wild Outdoor Research Team for 2012-2012.  Grade 6 students should see Mme Sweeney for more details.  Applications due June 15.  See for more information.

Math (Reed):6.4, 6.5
Math (Sweeney): Test Friday
Math (Sherar):

Research Skills project (with Mme Bailey):
Good copy: June 8 (1 day extension)

Science Project (Fakebook): see our Kidblog (under Mme Sweeney) for details
Fakebook Page: June 11

Art Medium Assignment: due June 15

Notes sent home:
Lumsden Beach permission form
IPSCO park permission form

Important dates:
TOMORROW: Lumsden Beach Camp
June 15: Rescheduled Flying Creek trip (Weather permitting)
June 21st: IPSCO park

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Jour 2

Wanted: Grade 7 Students for the Regina Public Schools Wild Outdoor Research Team for 2012-2012.  Grade 6 students should see Mme Sweeney for more details.  Applications due June 15.  See for more information.

Math (Reed):6.4, 6.5
Math (Sweeney): Test Friday
Math (Sherar):

Research Skills project (with Mme Bailey):
Good copy: June 8 (1 day extension)

Science Project (Fakebook): see our Kidblog (under Mme Sweeney) for details
Fakebook Page: June 11

Art Medium Assignment: due June 15

Notes sent home:
Lumsden Beach permission form
IPSCO park permission form

Track Meet permission for some students (due tomorrow)

Important dates:
June 6th: Douglas Park Track Meet
June 7th: Lumsden Beach Camp
June 15: Rescheduled Flying Creek trip (Weather permitting)
June 21st: IPSCO park

Monday, 4 June 2012

Jour 1

Wanted: Grade 7 Students for the Regina Public Schools Wild Outdoor Research Team for 2012-2012.  Grade 6 students should see Mme Sweeney for more details.  Applications due June 15.  See for more information.

Math (Reed):6.4, 6.5
Math (Sweeney): Test Friday
Math (Sherar):

Research Skills project (with Mme Bailey):
Revision: May 30
Good copy: June 7

Science Project (Fakebook): see our Kidblog (under Mme Sweeney) for details
Fakebook Page: June 11

Art Medium Assignment: due June 15

Notes sent home:
Lumsden Beach permission form
IPSCO park permission form

Important dates:
June 6th: Douglas Park Track Meet
June 7th: Lumsden Beach Camp
June 15: Rescheduled Flying Creek trip (Weather permitting)
June 21st: IPSCO park